This document constitutes a legal binding agreement between J&O Puppies, otherwise known as seller, and the buyer who is purchasing a puppy. Buyer agrees to provide adequate food, shelter, and care for the puppy for its entire lifetime. The buyer also understands that routine care and veterinary care will be costly and is able to meet these requirements. Seller is not responsible for veterinary care and expenses that may arise once the dog leaves the custody of the seller. To the best of the seller’s knowledge this puppy was in good health and free from any symptoms of contagious or infectious disease at the time of sale. The puppy was vet checked by seller’s veterinarian before sale and a health certificate was obtained from a licensed veterinarian.

The buyer agrees that he/she is not acting as or is part of any representative in the purchase of the puppy and that the buyer will not sell the puppy or any of its offspring to any representative, laboratory, animal broker, or pet store, or breeder. These are family pets, not breeding dogs. Puppies are sold with limited registration unless discussed prior to sale. Seller cannot in any way guarantee size, color, ear set, or coat type at maturity. The seller does not guarantee ability of the puppy to show.

Seller is bound only to the original buyer, no warranties, either expressed or implied are made under this contract except stated above. Buyer agrees to these terms and guarantees simply by the act of accepting the puppy, even if the contract is not signed or returned. The deposit is a promise by the buyer to buy the puppy named above and a promise by the seller to hold the puppy for the buyer until it is old enough to be sent. The deposit is non-refundable in the event the buyer changes their mind.

In the event that any dispute shall occur between parties arising out of or resulting from the construction, interpretation, enforcement or any other aspect of the agreement, the parties hereby agree to settle all disputes through mediation/arbitration. If any legal action were to be necessary regarding this agreement or the puppy it refers to, by either buyer or seller, all such actions must be made and completed in the town and state in which the seller resides.

J&O Puppies Puppy Health Guarantee
The seller guarantees the puppy for 1 (one) year from the date of birth against life – threatening congenital or hereditary defects. If the puppy has a life threatening congenital or hereditary defect which has been diagnosed or examined by 2 unassociated veterinarians to seriously impact the quality of life or warrant euthanasia; the seller will provide the buyer with a new puppy with similar traits upon availability. In this circumstance the buyer must return puppy to the seller. The seller is not responsible for miscellaneous problems which can be preventable such as hypoglycemia, coccidiosis, giardia, parasites, types of bacterial infections, and certain disorders that may be caused by environmental factors such as allergies, thyroid dysfunction, mange, and other auto-immune disorders. Vaccine injuries or reactions will not be covered. Hernia repairs or retained testicles do not warrant return of puppies as they are not life threatening.

We offer lifetime support for each puppy we place and there is no question or concern not important enough for us to answer. We take pride in our puppies and hope to build a relationship with you so we can see them as they grow up. We love picture updates and appreciate you taking the time to send them to us or post them on our facebook page. They mean alot to us since we spend a lot of time with these babies before they reach you! Thank you so much for choosing J&O Puppies and giving our puppies such a wonderful forever home!